Thursday, December 31, 2009
32nd Birthday--Ouch!
The kids continued to be great all day. About noon they went to the store for those eggs and came home with a cake mix and a present that I had to go on a scavanger hunt to find. Damen gave me one clue, "it's on the laundry room door." that was all I needed I walked over and found a coat rack thingy! I loved it and was so in need of one.
I wish I had my camera to take pictures of my next present. I proceeded to watch the kids make me a cake with Dad. All 3 were on the bar stools dumping in their ingredient and then all licked the beaters and spatuala you should have seen Railey's face and shirt and sleeves. What a mess but well worth it. They cooked it, cooled it and then proceeded to frost and throw (litterally, I found them everywhere) sprinkles on the cake. Can I tell you it was the most beautiful, tasty cake I have ever had in my life. All because my kids and husband made it for me and they have never done that before.
We played games all night watched a movie on tv and went to bed before 10, it was a great day.
Oh yea, we even went up and visited with Mom and Dad before they headed back down to Richfield they were anxious to get home and mom is feeling a lot better now.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Handmade Christmas
The very first experience of Baby Jesus was the warmth of gentle hands helping him through the birth process, cleaning him, and wrapping him in swaddling clothes. Loving hands snuggled him close to a mother who pondered his godhood in her heart. Strong and obedient hands protected him as an infant from the savage brutality of a jealous king. Parental hands guided him as he grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. Prophetic hands yearned to be baptized of him. yet consented to lay him under the water to fulfill all righteousness.
His hands would go about doing good. His beckoning hands invited fisherman to become fishers of men. His merciful hands would heal those who sought him in faith. His shepherding hands would brake bread and feed thousands. His comforting hands would hold two sisters that wept at the death of their brother, wipe their tear stained cheeks, and then, in Godly confidence, call him from the grave. His strong hands would rebuke those that would make his Fathers house a den of thieves, yet give grace to the women taken in adultery by writing in the sand.
The time came for his hands to pick up that cup which the Father had given him. Grateful hands would anoint him with oil. Crowds of hands would raise and wave palm branches at his return to Jerusalem. Wicked hands would sell their souls for thirty pieces of silver. His hands, and his soul, would tremble and bleed from every pore and beg the Father for another way. Angelic hands would come to give strength and comfort. Legions of satanic hosts would unleash hell, in all its depth and fury, upon hands that humbly offered, never the less not my will, but thine be done.
Cruel hands would strip Him of his raiment, whip him, and force a crown of thorns upon His head. Judgmental hands would mock and condemn Him as he carried His cross up Golgotha's Hill. Roman hands would drive nails through the palms of His hands spread wide as eternity and through his feet to secure him to the cross. Unknowing hands would raise His cross with the handwritten inscription, King of the Jews, above His head. His final words, Father into thy hands I commend my spirit.
Friendly hands would take His lifeless body from the cross and prepare it for burial. Hardened hands would cause the tomb to be sealed with a stone. For three days mourning hands would lament his loss. Then those glad tiding of great joy spoken by angelic lips as they beckoned with their hands toward the tomb, "Why seek ye the living among the dead. He is not here but is risen." Joyful apostolic hands gathered and felt the wounds in His hands and in His side and in His feet, and thus became a living witness to the glorious resurrected Lord.
May your hands find moments this season to be still and ponder on the hands that make Christmas.
I love this, Steve is very humble about it but it makes me ponder on how am I using my hands. Am I using them for good or evil?
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Christmas 2009 Happenings
All 4 kids that went, minus Railey, with an elf in the back.
Railey came down sick on Tuesday Night and was feeling better by Wednesday afternoon when we got a call saying Mom was coming up in an ambulance from Richfield. Her heart rate had dropped way low when taking some medicine. Once up here they decided to do surgery the next morning, Christmas Eve, then on Christmas eve after surgery they decided she needed a pace maker put in so they did that the next Day that's right on Christmas morning. She's doing well and should be out of the hospital by now.
It was on Christmas Eve night that I came down sick with the flu but not before taking these pictures of the kids anticipating Santa's arrival. The boys got out the cookies and juice (it's much healthier) for Santa.
Seth looking and waiting for Santa they actually did see a red light flashing in the sky.
Putting out the cookies and juice along with a note to Santa with several questions.
All three "boys" looking for Santa