Wednesday, July 28, 2010
6 month pictures
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Duck Pond
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Sleep Over
So they started planning and though last week didn't work out we got it in on Wednesday. They were so excited to sleep in the tent trailer. Just as we were about to go get thing set up, there was a little cloud burst and a few lightening strikes so they decided to put a tent up downstairs and they were just as happy doing that (so was Steve and I cause we got to sleep in our own bed--we hadn't decided who was going to be out there with the kids).
The only problem was they were so excited and wound up (just like any sleepover) that we needed to get them calmed down so we put Superman on at 10:00 pm. And yes it is a 3 hour movie. We let it go for about half the movie then turned it off until morning. I was sure they would sleep in with going to bed about 11:45, but NO they were up at 6:00 to finish their movie. Those stinkers. But they all had such a great time. They are now planning another one because they weren't able to sleep in the tent trailer and they still want to. Oh well they are great kids and they all get along so well.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Damen's Advice
So the normal routine is have my elbow ready to push in the second she takes in a breath and isn't arching her back for that split second. I have it down though it is a fight and one I'm tired of. I just want to leave her home most of the times.
Well the other day we were meeting friends at the pool and were already a bit late so had to hurry and Railey was being a stinker. I went around to get Kenna in and was yelling at Railey to buckle up (she can get some of it done by herself) finally I asked Damen to help. He went back there and followed my example and was yelling and fighting her. Then I stopped to watch. He had stopped ,stopped forcing and started talking sweetly to her and within a couple of seconds had her buckled and was sitting buckled up in his own seat. I love having older children.
As we were driving away he says, "Mom, do you want to know something, if you would stop yelling and be nicer and not so mean to Railey she would let you buckle her up. You just can't be mean." Yes I am getting parenting advice from my 8 year old. I turned and said "you are right Damen, I need to be nicer, but-- do you know how I learned to yell and be mean to get something done, from trying to put you in a car seat--sometimes yelling works." Yes he saw the smile and teasing in my eyes and just laughed but isn't it true we can learn so much from our kids and I have learned that it is just better to let Damen put Railey in her car seat. It's officially his job and he does it well.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
6 Months Old
here she is sitting up
here she is getting ready to roll over
she is happy to feel that she has some freedom
she just rolled over, the next picture though I decided not to post it was her screaming
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Hoopes Reunion
Railey bought a few bubbles and loved them there and continues to love them as we type out on the porch. Loads of fun and loads of laundry.
This is a picture of Damen with a water shooter thingy but look at that slip and slide in the background the rigged and put together this whole sprinkling system just for a tarp that was used as a giant slip and slide for the big kids, it was pretty impressive.
This was Railey blowing bubbles, it looks like she needed to blow a few bubbles out the bum to push that swim suit out (it was that way all day no matter how many times we tried to pull it out)
Here's the boys playing more with rockets and guns.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Finally Done
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Steve!

Happy Birthday Steve. Railey was singing all day long so I got her to record it on video for you. Hope you like it. You are one amazing man. We all love you so much and are so grateful to have you in our lives. I don't know how we ever got to be so lucky. Although I can't believe you are 10 years older than when I married you at age 26 (where did the time go). When did we start to get old. I remember when my parents were 36, and now you are (I'm not there yet!!!!).
You are such an amazing dad and even more amazing husband. Hope you have a great birthday!
Here is your birthday present--a motorcycle and a $2 million life insurance policy. Yes they do go together. Here's to hoping you have many more birthdays.
Happy Birthday!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
4th videos
Here's Seth about to go under with Damen's amazing aim
This is the madness mayhem that was called the fish grab! But Seth came away victorious!