Oh where oh where has the past year gone! I honestly can't believe that we had Kenna a year ago. It seriously just seems like I was going to the hospital yesterday. She has grown up so fast. Kenna is our little sober sides but it's been fun to see, even in the past few weeks, how she is developing her little personality and doing funny little things. The other night she was eating soup and every time I would put the spoon up to her mouth she would blow bubbles in the soup. I accidentally laughed the first time, but that only got her and the rest of the family belly laughing at her. It got to the point that she couldn't even blow bubbles, because even when I would start lifting the spoon to her mouth she was laughing so hard. She has the most beautiful smile and laugh. It truly is music in our home.
Kenna has been climbing the stairs for a while now but just in the past two days she has started going down them by herself. I still haven't moved the gate but will as soon as she learns how to turn around ALL the way.
Kenna still isn't interested in food really. She's mainly a veggie girl. Loves broccoli, but her absolute favorite food is asparagus. She doesn't care for fruits but is a true girl in that she loves chocolate and ice cream. If she even sees an ice cream container she crawls as fast as she can towards it.
She's still about 25 lbs. she has been since about 5 months. But she is starting to slim out and even was down to 24 the other day. She loves her sippy cup and has since 9 months, we are now starting to put milk in it but I'm not sure I want to ween her yet, nursing keeps me slimmer (yeah I'm selfish like that).
Oh how we love our Kenna girl. Happy Birthday Princess!

Here's Kenna right after she was born

Here she is now. We took her sledding for her birthday. Well let me rephrase that. We took the kids and then let her have a turn before we left, that's why she isn't appropriately dressed for it. But to our credit it was 55 degrees that day.

While Steve took the boys skiing,
Railey and I made Kenna a birthday cake. Word to the wise, never use a Red Velvet cake for a 1st birthday! (or any for that matter until the kids are past 10!)

She didn't quite understand the whole candle thing, but thought it was fascinating.

She is such a dainty eater. Everything is with two fingers. So unlike my other children who had cake all over within seconds of it being placed in front of them
She did this dainty eating for a while (about 5 min worth of pictures) that was until I sat down to eat my cake then I looked over and
She decided that red cake could be lots of fun!
Oh we laughed hard at this little one. It was the soup incident all over again!
Happy Birthday Iris McKenna!!!