Friday, December 30, 2011

One Year Older

This year Steve had to work on my birthday so we decided we would celebrate a day early since he had that day off. We had a good time! Probably the most fun done on my birthday (or non birthday this year) in years. Mom and Dad were back from Idaho and wanted to see what the kids had got for Christmas so they came over bright and early. The girls had too show them their princess dresses of course and the boys couldn't wait to show them their good as well. Then I opened a present from Seth. Earlier that morning he had found a piece of fabric, from and old skirt, and decided to make me something out of it. It turns out he made me a scarf. He really did do a great job and still continues to insist that I wear it. Which I DO!

Mom and Dad gave me a nice pan that will definitely get some good usage.
After they left we headed down to BYU. We have been buying our milk from down at the Creamery. One it tastes a lot better, and yes I can notice a difference, we all can even the boys. Two it's constantly 3/$5. I have been paying $2.50 in the stores so I figure if it keeps me from going to the store it's a good thing cause then I don't end up leaving the store with 20 other things. And Three after you buy 24 jugs of milk you get a free 1/2 gallon of ice cream. So we buy 12 at a time and throw most of it in the freezer. We've been trying to convince Seth to switch over to be a BYU fan and one of the ways we are working on him is through the milk and ice cream. When he said the milk was so good I commented on the fact that the milk came from righteous cows and that's what made all the difference and told him he needed to reconsider his loyalty towards the UTES (he is). After all that we stopped at McDonalds (Steve had a gift certificate otherwise we never step foot into that place). On the happy meals were these little mustache's that you could punch out so we did and took a few pictures.

Then Steve tried to be all Steve on me and decided to go and inconspicuously pose with Ronald. The pictures turned out so dark so I did my best to lighten them up on my computer but that only made them grainy. Sorry. They are still funny though!

We went home and made it in time for Steve to go coach Damen's team in their first basketball practice. I was expecting them home by 5 so dinner was all ready and waiting. By 6 they still weren't home so the girls and I went ahead and ate my birthday dinner and they showed up 45 minutes later (they had gone to buy shoes for the boys)

Here's a few pictures of Kenna. She was helping me decorate my birthday cake (note: don't make yourself a birthday cake if you don't even like cake, make something you like. But if the kids make it then smile and eat a big helping)

She is so darn cute!

Here I am blowing out the candles. We dished up the cake and ice cream and everyone was about to start eating when Steve said "no, Wait everyone have a bite of ice cream at the same time." (it was BYU Graham Canyon ice cream) So everyone got a fork of ice cream ready and on the count of three we put it in our mouths all three BOYS said "mmmmm. Righteous!" It was hilarious Steve and I seriously could not stop laughing. The boys did it but we had to explain it to them after. Yea it's from righteous cows too!!!! Very Good! It really was s fun day thanks family!

The next day on my real birthday I was going to go shopping and get a new shirt and get Steve some much needed pants, but his truck wouldn't start. After messing around with it for over an hour we finally got it going. I ran the boys down to Orem to play with Clark and Carson and Railey ended up staying as well and Kenna and I finally went shopping. We were on our way back to their house when on the middle of 8th north in Orem the truck died I quickly pulled over into the dollar store parking and it started up again. I kept thinking, great what's wrong now, but since it started up again I took off again only going on back streets and going past all the in-laws homes just in case something happened again. Well I was on 8th east crossing 8th north when it died again in the middle of the intersection. I coasted to the side of the road and again it started up again only to let me go about 100 ft before it was dead for good. That's when I realized that the truck must be out of gas (the gas gauge is off and I didn't know that since I never drive the truck). Caralee had lent me a cell phone so I quickly called them and Chris came to my rescue. I would have gone the 2 blocks back to get gas at Harmons but Kenna was now asleep in the back and I didn't think I could lug a gas can and a sleeping baby. But everything worked out fine in the end. In fact Steve ended up coming home early and beat us home by and hour plus, because of our car issues and had dinner waiting when we arrived. I was so glad he was able to get off work it was a welcome surprise to a cruddy afternoon!
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Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas--a few more

These didn't post when I did the other Christmas post so here they are.

These girls were dressed as princess all day. I did make then change long enough for church but then they were right back to being princesses.

My girls

All 3 girls

All the kids

The whole impatient family--why is it so much effort to take one family picture!
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Christmas 2011

We had a great Christmas. We truly have been blessed. Here's the lowdown in pictures!

Seth got tools for Christmas--he loves to build

This is Damen's fainting pose, he got nfl madden 12--he loves football

Kenna got a baby doll

Seth gave Kenna a tent -even moms can fit in their to take naps and the kids never even think to look inside the tent

Kenna gave Seth a Utah jersey--we are hoping its just a phase and he'll grow out of it (Utah thing that is not football)

Railey gave Damen a watch

I got a camera case for our new camera

Steve got a much needed new wallet

Mom got a mess to clean up after all was said and done

Railey got all outfitted with princess dresses. This one was from one of Grandmas old dresses and the crown was from Damen

You got to love Bop IT

Seth is all about giving. I think he gave something whether a note or a board that says I love you or whatever to everyone in the family.

The girls got aprons

The dress that Mrs. Claus made for Railey because as she put it Santa can't sew only moms know how to sew

Kenna's princess dress (she's not big into getting her picture taken. She was playing peek-a-boo here.

The kids always write Santa and he always writes back

We had a great Christmas. We went to church, had yummy leftovers, played with everything and then went and visited Ben and Darci's families. I think this year I was more focused on Christ and his gift to us than I have been in years past and because of it I truly felt Christmas this year and hope to continue to feel it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
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Twas the night before Christmas

Normally on Christmas Eve we get the house all ready and then towards the evening we get together again with the James' but we did things a little different this year. We decided to have a nice quite night at home. We had the best Christmas Eve ever! I made a nice big dinner and had the table all set with our china and goblets with salads on a salad plate when I called everyone up to dinner. They all tried to turn the lights on when they came into the room until Steve pointed out that we were going to have dinner by candle light. I'm thinking we should do this every night!!!! The kids were so well behaved and used their best manners, ate all their food, didn't complain and were complementing me on the dinner and telling me how much they loved me the whole time. It really was so nice. I can honestly say that there was an amazing spirit in our home and I want to find ways to have it there more often.

We served them their dinner after their salad but held off on desert until later since everyone was full. We quickly but quietly (no none wanted to disturb the spirit in our home) cleaned up dinner and then Steve came walking over with a gift for me that he and the boys had gone to pick out earlier. At that point Damen hollered out in a deep, loud, low voice, "The First Gift of Christmas" (just like in the Polar Express). It was a camera!!! The kids broke mine on Monday. So I was very excited! It took a minute to calm everyone down again and then we read the Christmas story. After they each opened up some new jammies. While I ran to the store to get a new memory card they all ran downstairs to watch some old Christmas movies we have made for the James and Bailey and Hoopes families as well as one for just us. They loved it! I think it's time to make some more movies. After treats and calming the kids down and checking the Santa Tracker a few more times we were finally ready to hit the sack. It took no time for the kids to drift off to dream land. It was a wonderful night and we look forward to this new tradition for years to come!

Kenna all ready to help me with dinner

Eating our yummy treats

Kenna licking her plate (just like her dad)

The kids reading what they wrote to Santa

Tickle match on the floor

Their Christmas notes to Santa

Dad reading How the Grinch stole Christmas

One last look at Santa tracker. At this point he was already past Brazil and moving up into the New York area. Another tradition the boys have is sleeping in the office on the blowup bed (normally grandma and Grandpa are in their bed) so they had to do it again this year. Earlier in December Seth was writing a paper about traditions and wrote this down but wouldn't tell everyone the reason (so they can track Santa) because he says most everyone doesn't believe in Santa in his class. How sad! I can say that ALL our family believes in Santa! Oh I love the magic of the season!!!!!