Saydee James was born January 9, 2013 at 3:50 pm. She was 9 lbs. and they said 19 inches but when we measured 2 days later she must have grown 2 inches because we measured 21". This whole pregnancy was hard. I don't know that I ever felt great. It seemed like if it wasn't one thing it was another, but we finally got her here and she's beautiful.! I ended up being induced. We finally got to the hospital around 9:30 and they got me all hooked up to penicillin and had that going for about 3 hours before they would give me the pit. Once that was going the dr. came in and broke my water. It took me a while to get to a 7 but once there I went fast. In fact so fast that Dr. Anderson came to check me about 40 minutes after the nurse had checked me and I had still been at a 6.5. When he checked he said "well lets have a baby and he ran out of the room FAST. I told Steve to go and call the family to tell them to not have piano but just to come after dinner. He wasn't back in the room when Dr. Anderson came back in all dressed in his scrubs. He was worried he would miss it. He walked back in in time to help me push and I watched as Dr. Anderson was still putting gloves on his hands as the babies head had already popped out. With only two pushes she slipped right on out. It was kind a neat because they put her right up on my chest and let Steve cut the cord but they actually had us clean her off. She was on my chest for quite a bit before they finally took her over to be weighed.
Once they got all the technical things done they brought my crying baby back to me. They told me to undo my gown and place her right on my bare chest. At first I thought that was a little gross because she wasn't all cleaned off yet, but as they laid her down she stopped fussing right away and I felt this overwhelming feeling of love for my little girl and a great responsibility of just how much she needed me and needed to be close to me. She laid there for a long time before I finally started to nurse her. In that time Steve and I had come to the conclusion just hours before that her name would be either Grace or Saydee. Once she showed up we knew it was supposed to be Saydee. Steve knew more than I did but I still knew deep down that's what it was our own little Saydee James.

Mom and Dad brought the kids down they ended up having to wait a bit for me to change rooms and then FOREVER for them to bring Saydee to us. They were being extremely slow in the nursery. It took over 2 hours for them to clean her up and do what they do and bring her back. I was a little frustrated. Especially considering the kids had to get home and get to bed!
I do love this picture though of all of them seeing their little sis for the first time!
Kenna was SOOOOOO excited her little body could NOT contain the excitement.
First family photo with all 7 of us.
That pacifier was a life saver for the first few months. Now she has discovered her fingers and love them more. We ended up coming home the next day. We were supposed to leave at 4:00 but they were again SLOW and we didn't get out of that hospital until 6:45. The kids and Mom had prepared a nice dinner and we weren't even there to experience it with them. Oh well!

Within two days we came to know that Saydee was supposed to be called Saydee. She was definitely no Grace. She's a little stinker. She always wanted to be held and would fuss and fuss. It was a very hard couple of months there. Also when she was 3 weeks old she got pretty sick. I finally took her to the doctor (I never take my kids to the doctor--so this is saying a lot). The doctor thought that it was RSV. I was scared to death. I didn't know what to do. She also had a double ear infection. Steve was working in Park City and I debated about taking her to the hospital to just be tested and know for sure if it was or wasn't RSV. I decided to come home and call Steve and ask him. The doctor had also given us a prescription for Amoxacillan for her ears. After talking it over we decided to watch it close and wait to see if the medicine did anything. That night we also had Ben and Jared help Steve give her a blessing. By 9:00 we were seeing amazing improvement and she had a great night sleep. By Sunday, 3 days later, most of the cold was gone with very little signs of even a runny nose. We had had such a scare that Kenna was not allowed to go to church again till March (she brought a cold home from nursery and passed it on to Saydee). We were so grateful for medicine and the priesthood that helped our little girl. It was definitely a scary couple of days! We are so glad to have Saydee and her big personality in our home. One time right after we found out we were pregnant, Seth was saying a prayer and prayed that she would return home safely. She did and it's amazing how you feel so much more complete once your children are here with you. We love our Saydee even if she is paving her own path in this world and refusing to follow the path of the rest of her siblings like sleeping through the night by 5 weeks. No not our Saydee, she's out to teach me patience. She finally slept through the night last week. YEAH! Progress is progress. Oh we ALL love her so much!