Christmas Eve we went to have a little James Party. Dinner was great. We listened to a tape that Daddy made back in '86. Though the grand kids couldn't understand it very well and were a little bored all the kids, and/or siblings, quite enjoyed listening to Daddy and being reminded of his voice and some of the funny things he did or said. It was fun to watch all their faces as they listened. We sang a few carols and then headed home to watch and listen for Santa to come. The kids got some new PJ's that I made, put them on wrote their note put out their cookies and milk, checked Santa tracker, looked out the window so many times we finally opened the blinds for the night and head off to dream land. It really was a fun day!

I know it's blurry but it was the best on with all smiling
I know it's blurry but it was the best on with all smiling
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