We played A LOT on the beach, isn't that why you go. Here's Grandpa, Steve and Damen playing football on the field they drew out. If you look at that hill behind them there are steps over there that climb straight to our place.
I wanted pictures of all the kids to frame so here they are. Railey in her new, had to be bought jacket.
Remember how I said Kenna hated the sand. Well I told you so. She was fine until I set her there and she was fine as soon as I picked her up but she did NOT like the sand.
Here we are down at the docks. We went looking for the seals that we had told everyone about. They are always there barking away. The kids always love watching them for a long long time, but this time they weren't there. Someone told us that they leave in May and come back in August. Those dang things, but it made for a great picture taking place. See that bridge in the back? Steve and I were pretty faithful about keeping up on our running schedule and actually ran up and over and then back to our place, it wasn't too bad, surprisingly.
One of my favorite things about the trip was just seeing the pure joy in my kids eyes. Oh sure there was our share of bickering and arguing mostly in the car but they sure loved the beach and had so much fun building to their hearts content. When they would get tired of that they would run off and play in the freezing water and they even buggy boarded, thanks to the boards Chris' family had.
Seth's posing picture
Damen's posing picture. I think he was remembering the ones we took for Fathers day that's why his head is down with his name.
I did get one of Steve and me but it didn't turn out to well (we were in our suits and the rolls show more than I want to document)
Railey loved collecting shells, it didn't matter if they were broken, beautiful or ugly they were hers.
Ben, Jon, Jared and Steve all went out in the deep water. We thought they looked cold but believed they were having a good time. Pretty soon though we saw how much they were drifting south. Come to find out yes they were drifting but Jared and then Steve got stuck in this really deep spot and could move. They were doggy paddling for all they were worth but couldn't go anywhere. It made them a little nervous there for a little bit but before long we saw them all come out of the water. I have a picture and Steve won't let me post it (again too many rolls--on everyone)
I love this picture of Railey and Grandma
Railey was trying to bury her feet in the water while holding Grandmas hand
The front shot of the two of them.
I had so many cute ones of Railey sorry!
Before we even went and checked into our place we went and bought a kite. The kids and Steve and well everyone spent hours flying kites, it's amazing how mesmerizing and relaxing it can be.
Here's a picture of our beautiful kite.
Damen flying the kite
Even Kenna flew it. She had a death grip on that thing. It's like she new if she let go she would face the music. But she really did love it and since she would not get out of her chair this was something she could do!
The picture of Kenna flying the kite, the kite was only about 8-10 feet out there, so even if she did let go it's not like the kite was going to go anywhere.
We also took a few trips out while there. One of them was to this lighthouse. It is a working lighthouse and while we were waiting for all that were tall enough to come out from their tour a man came running by saying he had been following a wale that was just coming up around the cape. So we ran over and watched and waited and sure enough before long we saw the whale. I think everyone saw it which sure made for a happy Mom.
Here's Railey and Kenna by the lighthouse waiting for them all to come out.
It was a lot of fun to be with everyone at the house. We wish it would have been bigger so we could have had a big gathering area for all the adults to meet at night after the kids were in bed but with kids spread out on the floors that really couldn't happen. We were all able to do our own thing and yet hang out together. We made lots of sand castles and Steve even made a mermaid. it was pretty funny cause as he was shaping the hips and body a family went walking by and commented on how good a job he was doing as he was rubbing and smoothing out the sand. He just responded that he had spent lots of time studying the female body. Ben who was there just started cracking up. I wish I had a picture but I had already gone back. Oh so many memories that can't all be shared.
Two that can though are going to dinner with 27 people, oh that was sure fun. Good thing we went early enough to have us all seated. It was nice to not have to prepare food, or clean up for that night. The next night though we had our seafood spectacular. Steve went and bough shrimp, crab and salmon and we cooked it for everyone along with onion ring and the salmon in two different ways. We were so busy cooking that there were no pictures, but everyone sure enjoyed eating and taking crab cracking lessons from Steve. Someone asked where Steve had learned how to cook all this seafood and someone else responded with, "Oh his Alaska life" which they heard as "Alaska wife." So now the joke is that Bill, his friend in Alaska, is his Alaska Wife cause he teaches him all the good recipes to cook for us while he's up fishing with him.