I know it has been a long time since I have posted but we have either been getting ready for a trip or gone on a trip and there has been no time for blogging. A couple weeks ago we headed north to Oregon for a couple of reunions. We went earlier than when they would start so that we could do our own thing. We headed to Boise the first night and stayed with Tony and Laura it was fun to visit with them and then bright and early the next morning we headed to Portland, where we met Ben and Nat and their kids.
The next day was Sunday and while we had planned to go to church Ben and Nat hadn't brought church clothes so we decided to go and walk around the temple grounds for a while since it was only about a mile away. The day was beautiful and that temple is beautiful on a cloudy day but it was neat to see the sun shining through the spires. Now let me worn you there are lots of pictures but that's because this is the main place my kids look at pictures of themselves since I don't print them out so this is for them.
One angle of the spires, I told you the sun was shining.
Another cute one of Steve and Kenna
All the kids minus Camden
After having a little spirituality we thought it would be fun to go and walk the boardwalk down in downtown Portland along the Willamette River. We had seen it driving through the previous day and thought it looked like a good time. We also figured there wouldn't be too many people with it being Sunday morning and all. Boy were we wrong. I guess every Sunday they have a farmers market type thing where everyone can set up shop and sell whatever they wanted. We didn't spend too much time looking at the booths but had to browse a bit since the only bathrooms we could find were among all the booths. We did stop for a minute as a band was starting to play and the kids thought it was kind of neat. But I will say this it was a very interesting experience and even eye opening you might say but fun to walk along the river with the kids
Kate and Railey really got into the music and were dancing and clapping it was pretty cute.
So there's the first day of our trip, I promise not to post about every day but this one was different from 4-5 days of building sand castles so there you have it.
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