We had tried to get a hold of Dave and Judy (Steve's uncle and aunt) for a few weeks to see if we could visit with them but when we finally did they were going to be out town watching their grand kids so we kind of assumed we wouldn't be able see them but when they called and invited us to their 4th of July BBQ we knew we had to go. We have been trying to build a relationship with them and get to know them over the past few years and we looked forward to seeing them again. When Steve called to see what we could bring Dave mentioned to him that Grandpa James would be there. Steve was so excited and yet so nervous. The last time he had seen his Grandpa, his grandpa had kicked him off his front porch.
So we headed up to Dundee after being at Silver Falls. It only took about 1 1/2 hours to get there but it gave all the kids time to have a nap which by this time in our trip was greatly needed. We arrived at Dave and Judy's house and they took us out back to see Grandpa. He looked great! He is 95 and though he was in a wheel chair he seemed to be doing really well. I kind of sat back and let Steve and him talk. The talked all night long.
They had invited to their party Nathan and Jenny (son and wife) and their kids, Hunter and Dillan and then Jenny's parents and then another couple they are great friends with. Actually all of them are great friends with each other and I do things together quite often it sounded like. But oh my goodness, they had so much food. I know Jenny brought a salad but I think she was the only one, the rest Judy had prepared. I was commenting on the spread of food they had and said something like this must have taken you all day to do and she said "Oh it was more than just today it was a couple of days." Seriously though everything you could ever imagine at a BBQ including 6-8 different kinds of chips. It was more food than we have at a James party and there are 11 kids to provide for that. I don't know if that's how their parties normally are or if they put this all on because of us. I really do hope it wasn't just because of us but if it was we were very grateful. Then she brought out the dessert. Cupcakes and a couple of pies. They were gorgeous and delicious all together.
But the best part was just visiting. All the guys seemed to congregate together and all the girls as well. The kids got along great with Hunter and Dillan who are the same ages so we didn't have to really worry about them interrupting or bugging they just played and played in their immaculately beautiful yard.
Steve and Grandpa seemed to talk about anything and everything. We weren't sure he would know who Steve was (Dave had said he had some dementia) but he introduced Steve to one of the guys as his Grandson, which meant the world to both of us. He even asked about Momma and how she was doing. They talked about Alaska, fishing, and all sorts of things but Steve found it interesting that Grandpa kept sneaking peaks of him and would even reach out to touch Steve when he wasn't looking. Steve thought that Grandpa must have thought he looked a lot like his Dad, Stan and that's why he kept looking or glancing at him. He also really took to Kenna. See Grandpas name is Ken and one of the reasons we named her that was after him but he seemed to know that and would try reaching for her all night long and she would give him her ornery look and run away or give him a laugh as he tried to tickle her, it was really cute to watch.
Here are the kids eating their cupcakes
Here's Dillan he was taking pictures of me so I was taking them of him. He's Nathan's 7 year old
Here's a picture of all the guys. Grandpa, Steve, Seth, Nathan, friend
Kenna and her cupcake
Grandpa, Steve and Seth
Nathan, Dave, Steve, Seth, Dillan and Grandpa
Nathan, Dave, Damen, Hunter, Seth, Steve, Dillan and Grandpa
Steve and Grandpa
Damen and Hunter hanging out on the lawn chairs.
We ended up going out front for some fireworks that night and the kids had a blast doing them or at least watching them while they did their snaps
Jenny, Nathan, Hunter, Seth
Damen and Seth watching the fireworks.
It really was a wonderful night. We are so glad we took the time to drive up and be with them. As we were getting ready to leave (10:30 pm) Grandpa told Steve that he had a wonderful family (he told me the same thing) and then told him that he loved him to which Steve replied that he loved him too. And we do. Even if the relationship hasn't really been there Steve's whole life we got to see a good side while we were there and who knows if we will see him again on this side of the veil. If not it was a wonderful memory until we see him again. We owe a lot to Dave and Judy for bringing us together and helping make the night happen.