He went into the office to talk to Steve about everything and they ended up having a really neat experience where they actually knelt down and prayed together. Both came away having felt the spirit and ready to go participate in the ordinance. Steve wrote a poem about it the next day.
Father and Son, Kneeling as one
On Seth's Baptism Day
Their hearts turning, Their souls yearning
Seeking forgiveness and love.
Father and Son, Looking down as one
On Seth's Baptism Day
Their hearts turning, Their souls yearning
Waiting to give forgiveness and love
Father's and Son's, United as one
On Seth's Baptism Day
All hearts turning, All souls burning
Basking in Forgiveness and Love
When all were ready and the cookies put out, but covered we walked out back to take a few pictures of this beautiful, momentous day.
Seth was baptized and confirmed by Steve. It was a special day, one that we shared with another little girl in the ward. Also one that Seth has had a crush on for the past 2 years, but that made it only a little funner watching those two. Because there were two we only got to plan half the baptism. I said a prayer, all the kids sang "I know my father Lives" and then Damen gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. He did such a good job. So many people have commented on his talk. I will post it tomorrow just so we can remember it.
We all came back to the house after and had tons and tons of treats. I didn't take pictures of any of that cause I was too busy talking to people. But we are grateful for all those who came and supported Seth. He truly is such a great kid, who tries so hard to do what is right.
It was kind of funny. When he went in for his baptismal interview, the bishop asked him why he wanted to be baptized. Seth said so he could go back and live with Heavenly Father again. Then the bishop said well what is it you are promising when you get baptized and Seth just said, "I'm promising that I will go back and live with him someday" How can you get more simple and straight forward than that. Granted that wasn't the answer that the bishop wanted so he proceeded to tell him that we are promising to keep the commandments, take his name upon us etc, etc, etc. When Steve told me this I really just had to laugh. Did he not listen to what Seth said, because if he had all those things are summed up with I'm promising that I will go back and live with him someday."
That night I was explaining to Seth that we now expected him to fast and how many meals that entails, but then realized that Grandma and Grandpa would need dinner before they headed north to Ogden so I had planned to have dinner before church. So I told Seth that this time he would only have to fast for breakfast because then we would eat. He said "NO mom, I can do all of it. I will fast 24/7." Well saith, you don't have to fast for 24/7 only 24 but he sure was willing and even told me that he would start fasting again after lunch until the next breakfast to make sure he got 2 meals in. Oh he so badly wants to do what is right and I love that about him. Seth we are so proud of you and your choice to be baptized and even more proud that we can call you our SON.
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