Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

This year, like every year, we pulled out the decorations first thing Friday morning (Black Friday). This year though I really didn't have to do anything. Sure there were some putting things away and a little dusting to do but the boys know were everything goes and they just took care of everything! I don't know if that's nice or if I miss being in charge in a way. I was able to get quite a bit done though. I did set the tree up and fluffed it up from being in the box, and then put on the star and the berries and then the kids took over again. Steve and I sat there and watched as our boys led the girls and taught them the art of decorating the tree. We have each child in charge of one type of ornament and they are to make sure that they are dispersed evenly around the tree and then they can move to another style of ornament. In years past I would pretty much redecorate the tree, redistributing everything so that our tree would look just perfect. This year I all but started crying as I watched the magic that was taking place in our living room as I watched my four kids decorating the tree. I don't know what it is but there is seriously something magical about it. Steve and I just kept exchanging glances, trying to keep each other from shedding a few tears. Lets just say that this year the tree was not redecorated. It is perfect just as it is and has the character of my older boys and my little girls, and is full of their perfect finishing touches. Everyday they adjust a few things to make it just perfect for that day. One thing I really love though, about our tree, is that it is filled with photos of when the boys were younger and Railey was a baby (that tells the last time I updated and added pictures) but they love looking at them and reminiscing about the time the picture was taken. It is my goal this coming year to get Kenna on the tree and more pictures of, well, everyone up there. I did get one photo before by camera was dead. Don't worry more will be taken later, I hope.

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