Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Eve

We had a fun little New Years Eve party with Darc and Jared and their kids. They came over for dinner and then we had a Wii night. I think every one had a fun time. Here's a few pictures of the night

We had decided to watch the ball drop at 10 and then they would go home and all of us would put our kids to bed. Well we missed the actually ball drop by about 30 seconds but they still left shortly after that. Everyone in our family went to bed except Damen. He was bound and determined to stay awake until midnight. He brought a blanket and pillow out onto the couch and was watching some concert on TV. I came and checked on him at 11:30 and he was still awake but he mentioned that he was getting really tired. Well at midnight the fireworks woke me up so I grabbed Seth who was in bed with us and took him down to bed. He was so excited that he "stayed up till 12" (whatever some things just aren't worth arguing about). When we got downstairs Damen was out and was not waking up. Poor thing he missed it all. At least Seth heard and saw a few fireworks. Damen said in the morning that he last looked at his watch at 11:50. It looks like one of us will have to stay awake with him next year! I will tell you this it sure was hard for the kids to get up bright and early for 9 o'clock church but we still made it on time with 20 minutes to spare! We are looking forward to a new year and new resolutions to help us improve. Happy New Year!
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1 comment:

Jenny said...

I have early church this year too so I went to bed early, but I did wake up at midnight when all the fireworks were going off.