The boys keep their room a mess. There's no nice way of saying it. We try to make sure they pick up and put their clothes away but with them being in the basement, I'm just not down there that much so within no time at all it can go from looking great to looking like a pig pen. Steve and I felt partly responsible though. We have never finished their room. They had paint on the walls but we had never put the molding up or finished the window or hung anything on the walls so why would you want to keep your room nice when it wasn't nice to begin with. So we decided to fix that. We painted, put up a chair rail, crown molding, and base boards and finished the window well and then I even made curtains. Yea they have been down there for 4 years without curtains (hey they needed some light in that basement and the street light came right through their window). Then on Presidents day we headed up to IKEA and picked up a little table thing to go between their beds, where they could store things and put some lamps and their books on. We came home and assembled the table and all we need to do is hang their pictures, but I don't want to hang them till I get some shelves, so I'm working on that. But it's now been about two weeks and I keep checking their room and it's still clean and their beds have been made everyday but one. So lets hope this did the trick, I know it's a lot to hope but I'm going to anyway.

Steve and Seth assembling the table
Steve and Seth assembling the table
Seth loves to build. I told Damen to go and help them and he said "that's Seth's thing sports are my thing." I told him to go learn "another thing."
Ta-da! The finished product minus the pictures but they are all in their frames and ready to be hung just sitting next to the mirror
Yeah, looks good.
Well, I'm glad it worked and that so far they're keeping it clean. It looks really good. And putting things together isn't 'my thing' either. ;)
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