Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh Canada

Damen loves to sing, he has from the time he was little. I remember running around the track pushing him and Seth, singing all sorts of primary songs. When he was two he had the first 5 articles of faith songs memorized and even sang I hope they call me on a mission on a tape to Ben just before he turned two. In other words he loves music. When we got our piano we signed him up for lessons and with the piano suddenly our Hymn book was now out all the time, amazing how that happened. Anyway he started picking it up and singing hymns out of it. His latest though has been to sing the Star Spangled Banner (at the top of his lungs, at 6 in the morning), I feel like I am at scout camp or something to wake up to feeling like my hand should be placed on my heart. Then he memorized all 4 verses and has us quiz him regularly on My country Tis of Thee.

I came home from being down in St. George with all the sisters and Damen had learned a new song. I don't know why but he chose on his own, looked up on the Internet on his own, memorized on his own and now sings on his own--Oh Canada! Yes the Canadian national anthem. From what I understand most Canadians don't even know their own national anthem, but Damen does and he sings it for everyone, as loud as he sings our national anthem. I don't know if it was inspired by the Olympics or what but it has been cute and is starting to not be as cute anymore. J/K We love our Damen and that he loves to sing--now this week he has memorized "Fifty Nifty United States," so we are hearing all 50 states followed by Oh Canada. I'm wondering if he just thinks it's another state. :) No he knows it's not but loves it anyway. Oh our Damen.

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