We just had the Cub Scout Space Derby in our ward. I don't know who was more excited Damen or Steve. As Dad's are, Steve helped out A LOT. I had to keep telling him to let Damen do some things. But Damen was so proud of his "Shark" Rocket. The worked hard on it and it paid off. He won the first race, but it only went half way. The second he didn't win and it still only went half way. He came over pretty upset and started to cry. The funny thing was is during the opening prayer one of the 8 year old scouts prayed that no one would cry if they lost, all the adults started chuckling, but I guess it really was needed. After that though he won two more races and the rocket went all the way to the end (we prayed hard for that). All in all it was fun and "my boys" had fun working on it and racing it. But we are glad it's over.

painting the rocket

all done painting

finished product

ready to race

with his partner Damen (J/K)
The Race
(his is the silver one that goes the furthest)
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