Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Scripture Reading

We have been trying to be good about reading the scriptures with the kids before bed. It's been fun and has brought up many opportunities to teach them. We have been looking for those teaching times especially after I got to teach Elder Bednars talk a few weeks ago. For example the other day we were reading about Alma talking to Helaman about his conversion experience. Steve asked the kids why he thought he would tell him this of all things. After hearing their answers Steve said well maybe it's so Helaman would know that he too could see God and see Angels just like his Dad had. Damen pipes up so can we have dreams and see things then just like you have. Oh those are the questions you love!!!

But then last night we were reading about Alma talking to Shiblon and it brings up the word harlot. Damen was reading the verse and when he doesn't understand something he asks. So I was glad when he just kept going and didn't ask (but was worried that maybe he knew what it meant). Then he walked over while Seth was reading and asked "mom what's a harlot." "Damen that's a question Dad would love to answer," I told him. So he waited until Seth was done reading and then asked Steve. Oh those are the questions you hate! But really the scriptures allow you to talk about all sorts of things with your kids. Damen and Seth both were pretty disgusted when Steve started to explain. "Never mind Dad never mind" he kept saying hoping Steve would quit explaining!

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