I am still so behind and am only getting further and further behind. If only it didn't take 2 hours to upload photos! But Seth turned 9 back in June. He had a great birthday. This year he was able to have a birthday party so we invited over a bunch of kids and just had fun playing in the backyard with water balloons and a slip and slide. All the kids loved it.

His present came a couple days before his birthday. He was so excited for a new bike and one that will finally hold up to everything he does to them!
His present came a couple days before his birthday. He was so excited for a new bike and one that will finally hold up to everything he does to them!
Seth and a friend on the home made slip and slide. Can I just say it was so much cheaper and lasted so much longer than the little ones you buy at the store!
He continues to show his rebellion by going with Utah and so he chose a Utah cake. I think it turned out pretty good even if it was for Utah!
We ended the party by shooting rockets. All the boys loved this. It was probably one of their most favorite things about the party. This rocket shooter has gotten more use over the past year. I'm definitly glad we put a few dollars into it it's always the hit of the party.
Oh how we love our Seth. Our stubborn, sensitive, outgoing, friendly, ornary, easy going, tries to please, loving, cuddly, athletic Seth. He's growing so much and maturing quickly. I'm amazed at his determination to learn new things and to conquere the hard things. He's done that with soccer this year. He couldn't dribble the ball even 2-3 times at the first of the summer and he came home last night from practice and had beat everyone on his team with the highest number of 16. He is always outside working hard to get better.
I love how well he gets along with his sisters and brother. He loves them so much, sometimes too much and he ends up getting into trouble by not stopping the wrestling or tickling but he his a great brother. He's doing well in school and just plain continuew to be our great boy. We love him so much. Happy Birthday Bud!
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