Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a great Christmas.  It was extremely laid back and very relaxing.  Since I was do with our babe a week and a half later we kept things pretty simple and calm.  I loved it!  So did the kids.

The boys got a few bigger items this year, but the girls got a lot of dress up stuff (I wish I had got them a few more toys but they still have fun dressing up)

Seth got a place kicker (holds the football in place so he can kick it), a sole skate, mp3 player, and bow and arrow.

Damen got a bow and arrow, mp3 player, just dance Wii, Bronco Jersey (again too big)

Our little Tink, who also got a bike helmet and a scooter and lots more dress ups

Our little gypsy who also got a play dough thing and a scooter and lots more dress ups

The cradle Grandpa made for Kenna

Once Christmas was over I packed everything up and there were no signs that it even happened by 10:00 the morning of the 26th.  I was done and ready to move on to have a baby!  The kids did through me a birthday party or at least they made me some brownies with Carmel and hot fudge that spelled out MOM  can you see it?

I can never take a good picture my eyes ALWAYS close! and that's not 53 it's 35 candles

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