Friday, April 29, 2011
Easter Pics
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt-s
Seth and Damen were so good to leave eggs for Railey. Here's Seth telling Railey to come get an egg right there.
The pure joy of being a child. I love how happy she is here. It was fun to follow her around and snap pictures of the joy.
Ben happened to show up in time for the hunt and snapped a picture of our family.
Kate had to be in the kids picture. We were glad she was. And grateful she helped eat some of the candy. We had so much as you can see below. One bowl with the suckers and smarties was full. That's what we picked up from Smith's the other was from all the eggs that were filled. We just dump everything together so there isn't complaints about the fact that "he got more eggs than I did."
We had a great Easter Saturday and on Sunday we focused on Christ. I did a little treasure hunt for our Scripture Reading. But the kids were pretty disappointed that there was nothing in the treasure egg, and that it was empty, because he was "risen." They said that was pretty dumb. But Steve and I tried to help them understand that that truly is the greatest treasure we could have, the knowledge that "He is risen" and because of that someday we will be as well!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Decked out
This year I found some really cheap fabric at Wal-Mart and then had to figure out how I wanted to make the dresses. I found a dress at Target I liked so I made up a pattern and went to town. Railey loves how twirly her dress is. She always wants to wear it, especially when the music is on (it's a great dancing dress, I guess). Kenna on the other hand screams bloody murder whenever we put it on her. I'm guessing she doesn't like it. I don't know but she doesn't yell any other time I get her dressed.
The boys on the other hand get store bought clothes. It's just easier. But like I said it's the only time they get new pants or shirts. And my goodness you should have seen the floods they were wearing. I swear each one has grown about 5" in the last year. That's no joke!
So without further adieu. I present the 4 of the most beautiful kids on earth!
Family pictures will come later--got leave some suspense!

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Woman, Behold Thy Son
Woman Behold Thy Son
Christ spoke from the cross
Woman, behold thy son
His atoning sacrifice
A few moments from done
His eyes seemed to say
as he hung from above
When father forsook me
I was sustained through your love
Where does it begin
Faiths cycle of hope
Charity and love
Eternal in scope
Great is the mystery
Of where it begins
A boys faith in his mother
Or her faith in him
At his birth, Satan had come
A mothers faith to destroy
Born in a stable
Does God care for his boy?
Mary had known God
Would provide from above
Wise men with gifts
Tender proof of his love
She had unveiled his godhood
To this son she did impart
Israel's hope for a Savior
Sunk in his young heart
He had believed in his mother
And her faith in him
Helped him seek out his Father
And so it began
He had grown in wisdom
And stature to a man
He had learned line upon line
Of his role in God's plan
That seed sown by his mother
That he could set Israel free
Had grown to fruition
As he hung from the tree
Woman, behold thy son
Christ spoke from the cross
A mother's salvation, gained
At such infinite cost
We too can have faith
In this mothers son
For it is through him
Our salvation is won
He provides grace
And allows us to change
To reconcile with God
And not be estranged
Hidden in the lesson
Of the faith of this mother
Through our faith in Christ
We can have faith in each other
Where does it begin
Faith cycle of hope
Charity and love
Eternal in scope
Great is the mystery
Of where it begins
A boys faith in his mother
Or her faith in him
Women, Behold thy sons
or is it the other
World behold
The faith of our Mothers
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Always some theatrics
Seth had to memorize a poem a few months back for school. He chose "The Night Was Dark and Stormy" (the same one Damen did last year) He did a great job! He spent about one day memorizing it and was ready but it was all that day. His teacher really wanted him to do it for the storytelling festival but he wasn't interested in having to perform in front of more people. He's so funny that way. He will crack jokes all day long and loves being the life of the party and being silly but when forced to do it NO WAY. Damen on the other hand is the complete opposite!
Two days later Railey was in bed with us and all of a sudden she starts repeating the poem. While she had heard Seth saying it over and over I guess she got it down too. It is so cute to watch them both do it that I had to capture it on video. Like all kids they love to perform in front of the camera but the actions they do with this poem they do even without and sometimes even more dramatic. Like I said whether it's repeating a poem or normal everyday fighting or playing there are always some theatrics in our home.