Today was Raileys birthday. She just turned 3! Oh my goodness where has the time gone. We woke up to a couple inches of snow on the ground just like the morning she was born. All I can say is that better not be a tradition the rest of her life. I am SICK of Snow! Any way back to Railey. This is the perfect age for a birthday. She expects so much and is so excited for every little detail BUT she is not disappointed or expecting too much does that make sense. She doesn't care that the little presents she gets don't cost much its just that she got some. She doesn't care that there isn't streamers hanging from the ceiling she just wanted the birthday sign hung (which we couldn't find so had to make one). Every little thing is just so exciting and the best part is she goes around singing "Happy Birthday to Me" all day long and all you can do is smile because it's so cute. If I did that I'd be laughed at.
For months Railey has wanted a choo choo train cake. I didn't want to make a choo choo train cake--not for my princess. I wanted to make this rainbow cake that I had seen on line. Well at least all the layers I didn't care what the cake was decorated as. But when we got to looking online we saw a cute lady bug and she wanted that. I was happy. So we set to making the cake. After six rainbow colors of layers we decided that we couldn't put the lady bug on top like the original plan was going to be so we had to come up with something for the towering cake. Steve suggested a castle. I was all for it. This was going to be so girly! I told Steve later "next time I suggest getting "Hersey nuggets" to do the top of the castle just say I'll be right back dear and go to the store without me even asking." See I said the nuggets would be a good idea but I didn't do it instead I cut out little sections of the top layer and then "glued" them to the little section that I hadn't cut out which was just a cakey mess. nuggets would have been better. But once that top part was frosted everything else was fun and Railey was there with me the whole time, even bumping me quite a bit the little 3 year old!
Here's the 6 layer cake. Boy was this thing hard to cut and dish up but all the kids loved it and couldn't stop talking about how "big" it was. It was pretty BIG!
Oh Railey, you definitely are our little princess. Everyday you do become more and more beautiful. We waited was seemed like and eternity to welcome you into our home and now we honestly do not know what we would do without you. You bring so much joy and peace to our home. Yes you have your moments but all in all you are such a happy girl. We love how you run everywhere on your tippy toes and how you have to have twirly skirts on anytime music is playing. We love to see how much you love your brothers, you can definitely bring out the best in them. We love watching you with Kenna and seeing how you are already bestest friends with her. You are a great big sister. Railey you were named after both your grandmas. You have inherited qualities and talents from each one and we hope you continue to look to them for council and wisdom. They have so much to teach you, things that Mom and Dad won't be able to teach you. Look up to them and follow them. Railey we love you and wish you a very
Happy Birthday Railey. You really are beautiful.
Erika, you have the most fun with things. My cakes never turned out that way--They were always a little crumby or something. Happy Birthday Raily--I love you--and your Mom.
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