Someone asked the other day where the tradition of getting an Easter Dress came from. I have no idea but I know why I do it. From the time I was little (well for as long as I can remember) my Mom would make us an Easter dress. It was basically the one dress we got all year long. It was fun to go and pick out a pattern and fabric with her and then watch as the dress came together. I always wanted girls so I could do the same with them.
This year I found some really cheap fabric at Wal-Mart and then had to figure out how I wanted to make the dresses. I found a dress at Target I liked so I made up a pattern and went to town. Railey loves how twirly her dress is. She always wants to wear it, especially when the music is on (it's a great dancing dress, I guess). Kenna on the other hand screams bloody murder whenever we put it on her. I'm guessing she doesn't like it. I don't know but she doesn't yell any other time I get her dressed.
The boys on the other hand get store bought clothes. It's just easier. But like I said it's the only time they get new pants or shirts. And my goodness you should have seen the floods they were wearing. I swear each one has grown about 5" in the last year. That's no joke!
So without further adieu. I present the 4 of the most beautiful kids on earth!
Family pictures will come later--got leave some suspense!
This year I found some really cheap fabric at Wal-Mart and then had to figure out how I wanted to make the dresses. I found a dress at Target I liked so I made up a pattern and went to town. Railey loves how twirly her dress is. She always wants to wear it, especially when the music is on (it's a great dancing dress, I guess). Kenna on the other hand screams bloody murder whenever we put it on her. I'm guessing she doesn't like it. I don't know but she doesn't yell any other time I get her dressed.
The boys on the other hand get store bought clothes. It's just easier. But like I said it's the only time they get new pants or shirts. And my goodness you should have seen the floods they were wearing. I swear each one has grown about 5" in the last year. That's no joke!
So without further adieu. I present the 4 of the most beautiful kids on earth!
Family pictures will come later--got leave some suspense!

I would most definately agree!!!!
Beautiful kids!I've only seen a few that are, you know.....well, more beautiful,But not many!
So freaking cute. We went to 4 or 5 stores to finally find a dress that was ok. Sigh. I always tell Kait that the "New" dress helps us remember the "new" body that Christ had at the resurrection and that we too will be resurrected.
Whoops, I'm catching up on your blog backwards. I see that you DID make the dresses. They are really pretty!
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