Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Always some theatrics

Seth had to memorize a poem a few months back for school. He chose "The Night Was Dark and Stormy" (the same one Damen did last year) He did a great job! He spent about one day memorizing it and was ready but it was all that day. His teacher really wanted him to do it for the storytelling festival but he wasn't interested in having to perform in front of more people. He's so funny that way. He will crack jokes all day long and loves being the life of the party and being silly but when forced to do it NO WAY. Damen on the other hand is the complete opposite!

Two days later Railey was in bed with us and all of a sudden she starts repeating the poem. While she had heard Seth saying it over and over I guess she got it down too. It is so cute to watch them both do it that I had to capture it on video. Like all kids they love to perform in front of the camera but the actions they do with this poem they do even without and sometimes even more dramatic. Like I said whether it's repeating a poem or normal everyday fighting or playing there are always some theatrics in our home.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I think I preferred Seth's ballet version, mainly because of Raileys laughing. She has such a cute laugh.