Friday, August 26, 2011

School Has Started

School started on Tuesday! Boy has this summer gone by. Fast at some times and slow at others. I do have to say though that I am excited to get back into a routine. More excited than ever before. But we are looking forward to new teachers and older grades. I am just in shock at how fast these kids are growing up. I just keep saying slow down but they won't listen to me.

Seth is in 3rd Grade and has Mrs. Evans. Damen had her last year and it should be another great year. When he went to find out who he had he came running back yelling, "Oliver's in my class, Oliver is in my class (next door neighbor and best friend). He didn't even know who his teacher was just that Oliver was in his class. That's all that mattered.

Damen is in 4th grade with Miss DeWitt. We hear she is a great teacher. I'm excited! He needs someone to push him harder. He's such a smart kid and sometimes gets overlooked and not pushed to his full potential. I hear his teacher will do this. She better!

Here's Seth's natural smile or at least the one he always does I had to tell him to give me some teeth which he did and I love how the next picture turned out of the two of them, or at least of Seth. Damen was getting impatient worried he would be late.

The wouldn't even let me take them to school on the first day. "No mom, we are fine we will just ride our bikes." What don't you still need me? Don't you need me to comfort you and take away all those butterflies in your stomach? I guess they are getting to big for that and just have to face life and act brave while they are doing it even if there are some butterflies. See I told you they were growing up too fast.

After going to school on the first day Seth got sick and has spent the last two days home with fever and throwing up. He's back to school this morning though. Boy aren't we off to a great start!

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1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hey! I've been so bad keeping up with you're blog. I'm going to go through and catch up on your posts. Sorry. :(