Saturday, March 30, 2013

New Years Eve

Railey was bound and determined to learn to ski this year.  But Steve was too busy working in Park City that there really wasn't time.  He did have New Years Eve off so we took the kids over to the Church and let them play there.  Railey only fell down once!  After that she was a little pro on her skis.  Granted Steve had to carry her back up the hill but there's  a man who will never complain as long as his little girl is learning to ski.

Kenna was sledding most of the time.  But her clothes kept her from even being able to move around much so Steve would haul her back up the hill as well.

That night we had our own little party.  I was used to going to bed around 9:00 my whole pregnancy so we knew we had to do something to keep us all awake so we pulled out the puzzle.  We worked it until midnight and then went to bed only to finish it the next day while Steve was at work.

Damen was so worried he would fall asleep in the last 10 minutes like last year that he bought Mountain Dew and started drinking it around 9 when he started to get tired.  He was so hyper and happy nothing was going to keep him from staying awake!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Christmas 2012

We had a great Christmas.  It was extremely laid back and very relaxing.  Since I was do with our babe a week and a half later we kept things pretty simple and calm.  I loved it!  So did the kids.

The boys got a few bigger items this year, but the girls got a lot of dress up stuff (I wish I had got them a few more toys but they still have fun dressing up)

Seth got a place kicker (holds the football in place so he can kick it), a sole skate, mp3 player, and bow and arrow.

Damen got a bow and arrow, mp3 player, just dance Wii, Bronco Jersey (again too big)

Our little Tink, who also got a bike helmet and a scooter and lots more dress ups

Our little gypsy who also got a play dough thing and a scooter and lots more dress ups

The cradle Grandpa made for Kenna

Once Christmas was over I packed everything up and there were no signs that it even happened by 10:00 the morning of the 26th.  I was done and ready to move on to have a baby!  The kids did through me a birthday party or at least they made me some brownies with Carmel and hot fudge that spelled out MOM  can you see it?

I can never take a good picture my eyes ALWAYS close! and that's not 53 it's 35 candles

Friday, March 15, 2013

December Happenings

December is always so chuck full of things.  Between all the recitals, school programs, traditions etc., there is never a dull moment.  Since I am so far behind on this blog thing.  We are just going to get caught up with lots of pictures and a little bit of captions.  That works for me.

We had some fun one night dipping pretzels and shortbread cookies.  After looking at the pictures though I think Kenna had the best time of all of us!

Then there's always the first great snowstorm of the year where there was actually enough snow to build several snow men and it takes 30 + minutes getting the kids all ready to go out and then they are out for a few minutes only to start the process of taking it all off again!

This ball was too big for the kids so they had to get Dad to come and help.  Then of course Steve had to stay out and play for a while.

There's some of our December Fun!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Thanksgiving - Tournament

For Thanksgiving this year we headed down to Loa.  It was a quick trip to eat and visit with everyone.  So fast in fact that I didn't even pull the camera out.  We left early and started on our way to St. George.  Seth had a soccer tournament down there and we were more than willing to go and play in the warm sun.  Here is some of our fun.

They won 1 game and lost two, though they could easily have won all of them.  But it's fun to see how much the whole team has improved over the past few months of playing together

Between games on Friday we went and grabbed some lunch and then went in search of a place to eat it.  We found a big grassy area and sat down to eat and then toss a football.  While sitting there we looked over and saw a carousel going round and round.  Well instead of tossing the ball we headed over and the kids had a few rides.  They loved it, so much so that we went again the next day!


Kenna asleep at one of the games

Steve took this picture and then came running, literally running to show me.  "Look I have just taken the best picture ever of Kenna."  This is true.  We never get them of her smiling when we want them.

We did a little swimming one night and even tried to do a little black Friday shopping, but weren't successful.

On the way home Railey threw up all over.  I caught this picture of her asleep with her head in the bucket.  Poor thing.  We got home with only one incidence and then Kenna threw up that night.  We were glad to be home at that point!