Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Damen's Advice

I have really been struggling getting Railey into her car seat lately. I don't remember having such an issue with the boys maybe because they didn't know any better, but Railey knows there is freedom out there and wants it NOW!

So the normal routine is have my elbow ready to push in the second she takes in a breath and isn't arching her back for that split second. I have it down though it is a fight and one I'm tired of. I just want to leave her home most of the times.

Well the other day we were meeting friends at the pool and were already a bit late so had to hurry and Railey was being a stinker. I went around to get Kenna in and was yelling at Railey to buckle up (she can get some of it done by herself) finally I asked Damen to help. He went back there and followed my example and was yelling and fighting her. Then I stopped to watch. He had stopped ,stopped forcing and started talking sweetly to her and within a couple of seconds had her buckled and was sitting buckled up in his own seat. I love having older children.

As we were driving away he says, "Mom, do you want to know something, if you would stop yelling and be nicer and not so mean to Railey she would let you buckle her up. You just can't be mean." Yes I am getting parenting advice from my 8 year old. I turned and said "you are right Damen, I need to be nicer, but-- do you know how I learned to yell and be mean to get something done, from trying to put you in a car seat--sometimes yelling works." Yes he saw the smile and teasing in my eyes and just laughed but isn't it true we can learn so much from our kids and I have learned that it is just better to let Damen put Railey in her car seat. It's officially his job and he does it well.

1 comment:

Julie W said...

What a fun blog! Love it. And Steve's birthday presents are too funny. I did not know you had such a fun sense of humor.