Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm Soooo Beautiful!

Railey knows she is beautiful. She always has. She knows others are as well. She will come up to Kenna and me and say "Oh you are soooo beautiful." It not only makes you feel good about yourself but she just melts you every time she does it. (which is often) She is so sincere and I even believe that she does really see people for who they are and just how beautiful people can be. Steve I think helps with all of this as he is always telling her how beautiful she is. But, yes there always has to be a but doesn't there, the other day she wanted to be beautiful like Mom. After an extremely long period of time that it was quiet in the house while I was exercising, we found Railey in the bathroom trying on every shade of makeup I have. Yes there is even a bluish green on her face, which I have never ever worn (someone gave it to me). We tried hard to tell her that she doesn't need it, but it's hard to convince her when she sees mom put it on every day!

Right now I have to ask her if it is Halloween, or if she is 12. When she says no to both I tell her No as well.
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