Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Few Random Thoughts

There have been a few things happen lately that I wanted to just remember.

The other day I was mad.  I had been good all day and controlled my temper so well and then I decided to pull out the scriptures as the kids were finishing dinner, since we didn't get it in that morning, plus I figured it would count as FHE since Steve was going to be late.  The boys were so disrespectful and after many times of telling them to behave I gave up, and lost it and just left the table and went into the office spouting something to the fact that they were being disrespectful.  I was in there a bit when Steve came home (earlier than I thought) he came down to the office to see what was wrong and I told him his kids.  I went down to the kitchen to clean up the dishes and could hear Steve and Seth at the dinner table whispering.  All of a sudden they both just broke out laughing hysterically.  Seth does that often but to hear Steve giggle and laugh that hard was a little unusual.  But I was still trying to be mad and show Seth that I was so I tried to ignore it.  But Steve spoke up to tell me what had just happened.  He was telling Seth that Moms have certain times of the month when they start their periods that they get really ornery and that the kids just need to be patient with me (I was not having my period by the way).  He told Seth that a period is basically when the body is getting rid of an old egg and cleaning everything out so it can get ready for a new egg.  That's when Seth spoke up and said, "Dad, I like the old egg better."  I turned around and then I smiled, they for sure weren't about to see my face crack a smile.

Every night when we put the girls to bed we turn on music (pretty loud) for them to go to sleep to.  We rock Kenna to sleep but Railey climbs in her bed and drifts off to sleep by herself (YES!).  Anyway Railey's music of choice is The Oakridge Boys.  She always requests the song American Made.  She and Steve have a little dance they put together for it.  Part of the son goes "My baby is American Made born and bread in the USA" when they say USA they raise one of their arms up in the air.  Well the other night she was in her bed and Steve was in rocking Kenna to sleep when Railey yells, "Dad did you put your hand up?"  We thought she was asleep but nope.  Now we play that song first so she can drift off faster, and yes we always raise our hand up in the air whether she's there or not.

My mind is drawing a blank on the other random thoughts I was going to write about.  Oh well I guess that's why they are random.


Cathy Brian said...

I love the Easter dresses All four of them. I need to spend more time with you. I think I'd give up my fear of doing sleeves.
Did you use a pattern for the second set of dresses? I need some new dresses for Oaklee. I love either set you made. I Think I may go ahead and try to sew one, but I know I'll need a pattern.

real-life said...

The pink and green one had a pattern the just plain pink ones I used a pattern for the sleeve and neckline and then just went from there to make it what I wanted to.